

Rugård Sønderskov



Agabus conspersus foto

Agabus conspersus foto
Agabus conspersus © Biopix: N Sloth
Rugård Sønderskov
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Agabus conspersus Foto 90171
Agabus conspersus Foto 90168
Agabus conspersus Foto 90173
Agabus conspersus Foto 90172
Agabus conspersus Foto 90170
Agabus conspersus Foto 90169

7,5 mm-8,3 mm

Key literature: The aquatic Adephaga (Coleoptera) of Fennoscandia and Denmark. II Dytiscidae (Nilsson and Holmen 1995)

Hits siden 08/2003: 1.014.800.182

Stribet Siv (Juncus foliosus) Ugrenet Edderkopurt (Anthericum liliago) Guldbåndet langhornsmøl (Nemophora degeerella) Rundbælg (Anthyllis vulneraria) Stribet Torskemund (Linaria repens) Dværg-stjernebold (Geastrum schmidelii) Kornblomst (Centaurea cyanus) Høj fluesvamp (Amanita excelsa)

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