

Fröslunda Mossa Öland



Agabus sp. foto

Agabus sp. foto
Agabus sp. © Biopix: N Sloth
Fröslunda Mossa Öland
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Agabus sp. Foto 51725
Agabus sp. Foto 51727
Agabus sp. Foto 51724
Agabus sp. Foto 114123
Agabus sp. Foto 113616
Agabus sp. Foto 51728
Agabus sp. Foto 51726
Agabus sp. Foto 51723
Agabus sp. Foto 51722
Agabus sp. Foto 51721
Agabus sp. Foto 51720
Agabus sp. Foto 51719

Key literature: The aquatic Adephaga (Coleoptera) of Fennoscandia and Denmark. II Dytiscidae (Nilsson and Holmen 1995)

Hits siden 08/2003: 1.019.430.425

Staksrode Skov Gyrinus natator Båndflue (Terellia tussilaginis) Knælæbe (Epipogium aphyllum) Gærdesanger (Sylvia curruca) Grøn frø (Rana esculenta) Allike (Corvus monedula) Lille ildfugl (Lycaena phlaeas)

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