

Asker, Akershus, Norge



Almindelig teltspinder (Theridion sisyphium) foto

Almindelig teltspinder (Theridion sisyphium) foto
Theridion sisyphium © Biopix: G Drange
Asker, Akershus, Norge
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Almindelig teltspinder (Theridion sisyphium) Foto 83913
Almindelig teltspinder (Theridion sisyphium) Foto 83912
Almindelig teltspinder (Theridion sisyphium) Foto 83911
Almindelig teltspinder (Theridion sisyphium) Foto 83910
Almindelig teltspinder (Theridion sisyphium) Foto 83590
Almindelig teltspinder (Theridion sisyphium) Foto 83589
Almindelig teltspinder (Theridion sisyphium) Foto 83588

Key literature: Spiders of Britain and Northern Europe (Roberts 1996)

Theridion sisyphium (Clerck, 1757 )

Hits siden 08/2003: 999.350.268

Macrophya punctumalbum Zion National Park Tværridset Vandkalv (Colymbetes fuscus) Stor Natpåfugleøje (Saturnia pyri) Hvidtjørns hvepsebuk (Anaglyptus mysticus) Hunde-viol (Viola canina) Blå Ellebladbille (Agelastica alni) Landbrug

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