

Hove, Vestjylland, Danmark



Enghumle (Bombus veteranus) foto

Enghumle (Bombus veteranus) foto
Bombus veteranus © Biopix: JC Schou
Hove, Vestjylland, Danmark
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Enghumle (Bombus veteranus) Foto 59528
Enghumle (Bombus veteranus) Foto 59530
Enghumle (Bombus veteranus) Foto 59529
Enghumle (Bombus veteranus) Foto 59527
Enghumle (Bombus veteranus) Foto 59526
Enghumle (Bombus veteranus) Foto 59525
Enghumle (Bombus veteranus) Foto 59524
Enghumle (Bombus veteranus) Foto 59523
Enghumle (Bombus veteranus) Foto 59522
Enghumle (Bombus veteranus) Foto 59521
Enghumle (Bombus veteranus) Foto 59520
Enghumle (Bombus veteranus) Foto 59519

Danish Redlist Status: VU (Vulnerable)

Key literature: Field Guide to the Bees of Great Britain and Ireland (Falk 2018)

Hits siden 08/2003: 1.018.967.044

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BioPix - naturfotos/billeder