

Grejsdalen, Vejle, Jylland, Danmark



Hieracium marginelliceps foto

Hieracium marginelliceps foto
Hieracium marginelliceps © Biopix: JC Schou
Grejsdalen, Vejle, Jylland, Danmark
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Hieracium marginelliceps Foto 88750
Hieracium marginelliceps Foto 88795
Hieracium marginelliceps Foto 88794
Hieracium marginelliceps Foto 88793

Gratis brug for skoler osv., betalt brug 200 - 400 DKK /foto

This species is characterised by the shape of the leaves and the indumentum of the inflorescens with black glandular hairs, almost black hairs and stellate hairs, the latter forming a margin on the phyllaries.
In Denmark quite common in parts of Østjylland and Fyn and rare at Sjælland.

30,0 cm-80,0 cm

Key literature: Danmarks Høgeurter - The Pilosella and Hieracium species of Denmark (Schou 2001)

Hieracium marginelliceps Dahlstedt
Dahlstedt, H., 1922: Nye Hieracium-Arter fra Danmark. Botanisk Tidsskrift 37 p. 244-246.

Hits siden 08/2003: 985.450.399

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