

Norge, Jäeren NV Brusand



Klit-Gøgeurt (Dactylorhiza incarnata ssp. lobelii) foto

Klit-Gøgeurt (Dactylorhiza incarnata ssp. lobelii) foto
Dactylorhiza incarnata ssp. lobelii © Biopix: JC Schou
Norge, Jäeren NV Brusand
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Klit-Gøgeurt (Dactylorhiza incarnata ssp. lobelii) Foto 32592
Klit-Gøgeurt (Dactylorhiza incarnata ssp. lobelii) Foto 32594
Klit-Gøgeurt (Dactylorhiza incarnata ssp. lobelii) Foto 32593

Gratis brug for skoler osv., betalt brug 200 - 400 DKK /foto

- differs from ssp. incarnata in its more compact growth with longest leaf more than 60% and inflorescence more than 30% the hight of the plant. The Danish and Norwegian plants with rose-colored flowers.
The known distribution is restricted to Netherland, Denmark and Norway. Very rare and only found in dune slacks in alkaline conditions. Protected in Denmark.

50,0 mm-25,0 cm

Danish Redlist Status: VU (Vulnerable)

Key literature: Dansk Flora (Frederiksen et al. 2012)

Dactylorhiza incarnata (L.) Soó ssp. lobelii (Verm.) H.A.Pedersen 2004
Synonyms: Dactylorhiza incarnata (L.) Soó var. dunensis (Druce)

Hits siden 08/2003: 985.821.160

Bredt Bladmosdyr (Flustra foliacea) Blåmejse (Parus caeruleus) Bukkeblad (Menyanthes trifoliata) Pibeand (Anas penelope) Farve-gåseurt (Anthemis tinctoria) Guldpletløber (Carabus hortensis) Slåen (Prunus spinosa) Snæbel (Coregonus oxyrinchus)

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