

Midtsjælland, Danmark



Knælæbe (Epipogium aphyllum) foto

Knælæbe (Epipogium aphyllum) foto
Epipogium aphyllum © Biopix: JC Schou
Midtsjælland, Danmark
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Knælæbe (Epipogium aphyllum) Foto 135009
Knælæbe (Epipogium aphyllum) Foto 135008
Knælæbe (Epipogium aphyllum) Foto 88384
Knælæbe (Epipogium aphyllum) Foto 88385
Knælæbe (Epipogium aphyllum) Foto 88382
Knælæbe (Epipogium aphyllum) Foto 88378
Knælæbe (Epipogium aphyllum) Foto 32715
Knælæbe (Epipogium aphyllum) Foto 32717
Knælæbe (Epipogium aphyllum) Foto 32714
Knælæbe (Epipogium aphyllum) Foto 32713
Knælæbe (Epipogium aphyllum) Foto 32712
Knælæbe (Epipogium aphyllum) Foto 32716
Knælæbe (Epipogium aphyllum) Foto 135010
Knælæbe (Epipogium aphyllum) Foto 135007
Knælæbe (Epipogium aphyllum) Foto 135006
Knælæbe (Epipogium aphyllum) Foto 88383
Knælæbe (Epipogium aphyllum) Foto 88379
Knælæbe (Epipogium aphyllum) Foto 32719

Epipogium aphyllum (Schmidt) Swartz, Summa Vegetabilium Scandinaviae Systematice Coordinatorum. Holmiae [Stockholm] 32. 1814. - A perennial plant without chlorophyle. Flowering stems are not produced every year, and the plant can live underground for decades. The thick coralloid rhizomes are densely colonized by fungi - mostly Inocybe species, but the plant is also producing thin stolons up to 0,5 m for vegetative propagation. Stem light brownish to reddish, 5-20 cm tall, leafless but with 2-3 brownish sheats above the more or less swollen base. Inflorescence rather loose, with 1-7 flowers, most often there are 3-4. Bracts oblong, thin. Sepals linear, petals broader. Labellum 12-18 mm long, cream with papillose, purple spots, spur 5-8 mm long, 3-5 mm in diameter, obtuse. Epichile and spur both facing upwards. - In Denmark protected and very rare and today probably only in one or two locations.

Danish Redlist Status: CR (Critically Endangered)

Key literature: Dansk Flora (Frederiksen et al. 2012)

Hits siden 08/2003: 1.014.800.723

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