
Hvid Okseøje (Leucanthemum vulgare), Ox-eye Daisy, Prestkrage, Prästkrage, Krabbeedderkop


Addit, Denmark




Hvid Okseøje (Leucanthemum vulgare), Ox-eye Daisy, Prestkrage, Prästkrage, Krabbeedderkop

Xysticus luctator foto

Xysticus luctator foto
Xysticus luctator © Biopix: J Madsen
Addit, Denmark
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Xysticus luctator Foto 116961
Xysticus luctator Foto 116960
Xysticus luctator Foto 116959
Xysticus luctator Foto 116958
Xysticus luctator Foto 116957
Xysticus luctator Foto 116953
Xysticus luctator Foto 116952
Xysticus luctator Foto 116951

Gratis brug for skoler osv., betalt brug 200 - 400 DKK /foto

Danish Redlist Status: DD (Data Deficient)

Key literature: Spiders of Britain and Northern Europe (Roberts 1996)

Xysticus luctator (L. Koch, 1870 )

Hits siden 08/2003: 985.611.407

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BioPix - naturfotos/billeder